Priceless Piano Learning Gems That Are Often Overlooked

photographer taking a photo of a pianist

Learning the piano is an exciting journey you are bound to enjoy, no matter what age you begin learning the instrument. The adventure that comes along with every challenge you give yourself is something to look forward to. While all this is true, it is also very easy to see little or no progress in […]

The A-Z For The Songwriting Beginner

girl writing a song

You could be the kind of person who can come up with a new piece of music out of the blue and your friends are left wondering where you got that from. Over time, you have desired to write songs, but you don’t know how to go about it. This post is for you. Song […]

Is Perfect Pitch A Myth? – Getting Closer To The Answer

person holding a microphone while singing on stage

There is absolutely no point of allowing yourself to be influenced by the numerous utterly confusing theories surrounding the concept of ‘perfect pitch’! You must be tired hearing of several weird techniques adopted by individuals in an attempt to learn the perfect pitch, but how many have managed to yield the desired outcome? Most people […]

A Guide On Where To Start Your Music Learning And What Things To Keep In Mind

Stainer violin

This article includes the necessary things you will need to start, some hat tips on caring and maintenance of your instrument, and a lot more to help you get in the groove. All your doubts on how to begin your preparation for learning the instrument will be clarified. Read the steps mentioned in the article […]

The Mistakes Pianists Make – All of Them Covered for You

fingers playing the piano

Fumbling, breaking the rhythm, going out of tune or missing a crucial note in the middle of the performance is every musician’s horror! As a pianist it is obvious that you want to hit the right notes and give flawless performances, but nothing is perfect and that applies to your piano playing skills as well. […]

What Does It Take To Become A Top Notch Musician?

man playing an instrument

If you were to go around asking everyone what they think are the ingredients for a successful music career, you will hear as many answers as there are respondents. However, you will notice that some of them will be repeated by many people, even though they may be in different words. Some of the common […]

Soundtracks That Sound Like Magic on Piano

piano logo written "Rain (Solo Piano)"

When you watch a really good movie, the story, the acting, the direction everything stays with you for a long while. Even the soundtrack or background score of a movie, it really sticks with you long after you’ve left the theater. Now as a music enthusiast you’ve obviously tried to copy these tracks on your […]

The Case For Music Theory – Why Invest In It?

teacher writing music notes on a blackboard

In life, things explain other things in amazing ways. For instance, in any building, there is a foundation, which is the defining factor of how strong the building will be and also determines how high the building can go. Deep foundations can support tall structures, while one-storied buildings or bungalows don’t need foundations that are […]

The Most Effective Off Bench Piano Playing Exercises To Speed Track Your Piano Playing Progress

Steinway & Sons piano bench

When it comes to creativity, precision, style, creativity, and blending all of them together, the sky is the limit of achievement. Of course, there’s no space rocket you can ride on into space, the journey is long and tedious, and you must drive yourself to improve a little every day. No one is going to […]

What Are Some Tips For Learning To Play The Piano As An Adult?

lady playing the piano outdoors

Time is fleeting and it’s no good looking back at the past with regret. So you couldn’t pursue your musical dream, big deal. You can always start now. It is never too late to learn. It doesn’t matter if you’re five or sixty-five, all you need is practice and willpower to master the piano. Mentioned […]
