3 Piano Pro Techniques Every Ambitious Pianist Should Learn

fingers playing the piano

You have been passionately playing the piano for some time now – probably for years. Whenever you listen to yourself playing the piano, it just sounds like you playing. On the other hand, when you listen to some of the pros playing the piano, they seem to have some magic they use to make their […]

Can A Person Take Piano Lessons Online?

learning the piano accompanied by a tablet

Traditional piano teachers do not approve of taking online lessons. They find it difficult to stay on top of technological advancements and instead recommend one on one lessons. But the most important thing that needs to be understood here is that any form of teaching is self-teaching. The role of a teacher is not so much […]

Step Into The Limitless World of Piano Improvisation

a pianist doing a performance

The piano is one of the instruments that have been used in music for a long time. It was preceded by stringed instruments such as the harps and other stringed instruments, which go as far back as the prehistoric times. Some of the shortcomings of these stringed instruments are what led to the invention of […]

They’re Novel, They’re Fun – They’re The Most Awesome Piano Practice Warm Up Methods

a view of the piano

Before heading straight to the piano, investing a bit of time in performing some warm up exercises would not only help in improving your accuracy, but also shield you against potential stress injuries. Be it going for a long run, or playing the piano – warming up is quite essential prior to any physical activity. […]

5 Reasons Why Parents Should Consider Taking Music Lessons With Their Kids

parents and children performing music together

Any good parent would want to leave his or her children with a gift they can enjoy for the rest of their lives. Music is one of these gifts, which is why parents are always encouraged to enroll their kids for music lessons. However, there’s no reason why you cannot take this journey with your […]

What To Look For In A Music Teacher For Your Child

private violin lesson

The gift of music is one of the best lifelong gifts a parent can give his or her child. That is why it’s equally important to ensure your gift is packaged right so it can have the positive impact it should. A poor-quality music teacher will seriously water down your child’s musical experience and could […]

The Smart Parent’s Guide To Rekindling Motivation For Music Lessons In Children

mother teaching child by imitation

Childhood is one most remarkable phases of your kid’s life. This is the time when they start having a rush of emotions and don’t understand how to handle or identify them. However, as parents, it is your responsibility to help your kids and motivate them to try some something new. Music is one such new […]

A Beginner’s Guide To Listening To Modern Classical Music


Without going into historical detail, contemporary or modern classical music broadly refers to post-1945 classical music forms. This is the type of music that traces its primary lineage to classical composers from the 20th century or earlier rather than genres such as pop, jazz, folk or rock. However, this does not stop modern classical musicians […]

The Different Ways Classical Music Has Become Part Of Today’s World

classical performers

There may be a lot of gloom and doom surrounding the topic of classical music as an art form, but we’re not going to talk about that. Today we’re going to focus on the most unexpected ways that classical music has found its way into modern life. These are just a few of the things […]

Reviving Improvisation In Classical Music And Why It’s So Important

performers over water

Classical music greats like Back and Beethoven gained repute at their time, not so much for their compositions, but for their improvisations. A typical concert in their time would involve a full recital of music that was improvised. No wonder their creativity resulted in musical pieces that are still held in awe today. Improvisation was […]
