3 Heart-Wrenching Piano Stories You Want To Hear

man playing piano

Truth be told, at every moment, there’s something heart-wrenching taking place in some part of the world. We don’t always get to hear about them, but when we do, it reminds us just how difficult life can get. And sometimes, it reminds us to take a moment from our busy lives and realize how much […]

Piano Lessons Are Like Chicken Soup For Your Child’s Mental And Emotional Health – Here’s Why

piano lesson

The range of benefits offered by piano lessons for children is really extensive. The purpose of piano lessons is not just about providing your kids with an opportunity to learn how to play a musical instrument. Apart from boosting the cognitive functioning of your child’s brain and sharpening his/her analytical or mathematical skills, piano lessons […]

Did You Know Mozart Had An Equally Talented Sister? Find Out More!


Female musicians today are not told or made to believe that they cannot achieve the same level of success as their male counterparts simply because of their gender. Women today are piano teachers, choir directors, composers and professional performers, making a huge contribution to the world of music. There’s no reason for a little girl […]

Finally! Some Sense Out Of The Chaos Around Piano Practice (Or Its Lack) Among Students

practice piano

Insufficient practice can be one of the biggest hindrances in the path of achieving your musical goals. Dedicated practice is the ultimate key to success, and the absence of success is the root cause of frustration. Frustration inevitably leads to lack of enthusiasm and diminishing levels of productivity. The moment a person gets caught in […]

Crisp Piano Tips To Help You Play Glissandos Like A Boss

music glissando

Playing piano is not just about producing sounds with the black and white keys. It is an art that involves various techniques. You should be familiar with the different styles and forms of playing the piano. Glissando is one of the forms of playing the piano, in which you produce sounds using specific fingers by […]

4 Ways Parents Can Help Their Kids Stick With Musical Instruments After Graduating To Middle School

middle school band

A major challenge that needs to be addressed as far as music education goes is that of continuity, particularly during school transitions. As kids graduate from elementary school to middle school or middle school to high school, parents and students alike are forced to make and adapt to drastic changes. The transition process is enough […]

The 6 Bad Piano Habits That’ll Never Let You Make It Big – And How To Beat Them

piano player

Learning a piano is an art and the only way to master this skill is by practicing hard with the correct techniques. Beginners undergo a very tricky socialization period. Piano teachers, although they teach everything necessary for the student to know while learning to play piano for the first time, often miss out on some […]

3 Celebrity Pianos Hit The Headlines Recently – Find Out Why

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The piano has made a significant contribution to the world of music, having been employed widely in classical, traditional, jazz and popular music. Its benefits to the player are many and varied, and when it comes to enhancing the player’s neurological abilities, it is said to be superior to other instruments. Most piano’s go through […]

Life Lessons That Nobody Can Teach Better Than Your Very Own Piano Teacher

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Music education can probably teach you more about life than any other curricular activity or education. There are many music teachers who can, unintentionally, teach you things about life that you have not learned, otherwise. If you have or are taking piano lessons, you might have come across many lessons for life. You may have […]

Why Improvisation Is A Vital Skill For Classical Musicians Too


Improvisation is definitely a skill to be envied. It is often associated with musical genius, and rightly so. This is because a musician that is improvising will play things that make sense, even though they are not written down or have never before been played. Improvisation becomes even more magical when two or more musicians […]
