Although there might be pianists that claim to enjoy all their practice sessions, this is not the case for the vast majority of pianists. However, this does not in any way suggest that pianists do not appreciate the importance of their practice sessions. A professional in any field gets better at his or her trade […]
A metronome is a device that produces a specific number of beats per minute (BPM), which help a person playing the piano keep themselves up with the rhythm. It can prove to be that little genius responsible for keeping pianists in tempo while they are playing. It’s not uncommon for amateur piano players to wander […]
The best learning takes place progressively, starting from the most basic elements of the subject being taught and increasing the complexity till the learner becomes a pro. As the learner becomes familiar with the less complex elements, he or she is in a better position to move to the next level of complexity with ease. […]
Listening to classical music has for a long time been associated with smarter brains, and this has been supported by various research studies. Researchers are now finding that not all classical music affects the brain, so if you’re playing classical music for your infant, you may want to pay attention to which classical composer you […]
The immense popularity earned by music festivals like Coachella and online music services like Pandora and Spotify is proof of how important music is to our culture. Researchers continue to find that listening to music or learning music is strongly linked to our mental and emotional health. If these aren’t reason enough to get you […]
Psychologists argue that music is far more powerful than language. This is because, in addition to its commonality across borders of culture, race, and nationality, it also has the ability to arouse out feelings and emotions. An increased interest in how the brain processes musical emotion can be attributed to the way in which it […]
Music has always been an important educational tool, but the allure of the piano has captivated millions of people for centuries now. Unsurprisingly, students signing up for piano lessons form a goodly number at most schools and institutions. These lessons can vary anywhere between $40 and $70 for every session, and here are the factors […]
Classical music enthusiasts are making significant contributions to keeping the genre relevant and appealing to society. One way they are doing this is by taking full advantage of the technological innovations that exist today to exploit new growth opportunities. In particular, there have been a number of efforts to bring technology to the opera concert […]
We’ve already established that you can expect your brain to change in both structure and function when you engage in musical activity. This is particularly the case when you learn to play a musical instrument as it demands a high level of brain activity compared to other daily activities. For instance, when playing a piano […]
Scientists have found the group of people that might respond the most to music – musicians. As they spend more and more time around music, musicians’ brains increasingly become more synchronized with the rhythms. In a new study, New York University researchers isolated the rhythms in the brain that can coordinate with music. However, only […]