Vibrato Violin – Breaking Down A Complicated Technique To Its Simple Fundamentals


Having an accomplished instrumentalist to look up to is great for young musicians, because it motivates them to work hard with the goal of becoming like their star. However, most young musicians don’t often get the chance to interact face to face with their role models. That’s why it was a big deal when Nicola […]

4 Legendary Violins You Want To Learn About – And Maybe Hear


The violin is an important instrument that features across a wide variety of music genres today. With a history going back to the 16th Century, a number of violins boast wide recognition in the world of music. Such fame may be the result of the violin maker (with names like Stradivari immediately sparking interest), the […]

It’s High Time You Said Hello To Your Violin’s Sweet Spot – Here’s How It’s Done

violin pose

Going through a rough day? Some soothing music is all you need to lift your spirits up! A great stress buster, music is the universal language that speaks to your very soul, transcending all borders of caste, creed, and gender uniting hearts across borders. Listening to marvelous music has an almost cathartic effect on your […]

Stolen Stradivarius Finds Its Way Home After 35 Years

In a previous post, we talked about how a violin’s varnish plays a crucial role in the quality of its sound. We also talked about Stradivarius violins, and how they stand out in the world of strings as special – even mysterious, for their superior sound. In fact, Stradivarius violins are so valuable, that one […]

Music Education Attunes Students For Emotional And Social Development? YES!

boy plays guitar

The immense popularity earned by music festivals like Coachella and online music services like Pandora and Spotify is proof of how important music is to our culture. Researchers continue to find that listening to music or learning music is strongly linked to our mental and emotional health. If these aren’t reason enough to get you […]

How Emotions Affect A Musician’s Creativity When Improvising

guitar player

Psychologists argue that music is far more powerful than language. This is because, in addition to its commonality across borders of culture, race, and nationality, it also has the ability to arouse out feelings and emotions. An increased interest in how the brain processes musical emotion can be attributed to the way in which it […]

Could Exposure To Training Be Making Musicians’ Brains More Symmetrical?


We’ve already established that you can expect your brain to change in both structure and function when you engage in musical activity. This is particularly the case when you learn to play a musical instrument as it demands a high level of brain activity compared to other daily activities. For instance, when playing a piano […]

Are Musicians’ Brain Waves Really Better At Syncing With The Music?


Scientists have found the group of people that might respond the most to music – musicians. As they spend more and more time around music, musicians’ brains increasingly become more synchronized with the rhythms. In a new study, New York University researchers isolated the rhythms in the brain that can coordinate with music. However, only […]

A Violin’s Sound May Be The Result Of Its Varnish


Varnish will typically be applied to most wooden items as a protective finishing. In fact, varnish has also been applied to works of art, such as the Mona Lisa, to preserve them. Another interesting application is when varnish is used by violin makers. They usually apply a thick coat of varnish as a means of […]

Are Your Progression Expectations Realistic For An Adult Amateur Violinist?

violin hand

A major challenge for late starters in violin is their progression. They wonder whether they can reach a professional level of playing, and often get frustrated at their slow progress. Many end up quitting because the experience does not match their expectations. So what would an expert say to an adult violin learner that feels […]