Benefits of Music and Movement Activities for Preschoolers & Toddlers | How You Can Implement Them at Home

Music and Movement

As parents, we are constantly worrying about making the best decisions for our children. We want them to grow up to be healthy, happy, confident, kind… the list is endless. Thinking of how to accomplish all this can be overwhelming, but I have good news! As a music educator specializing in early childhood education, I […]

Music Activities For Toddlers & Preschoolers | 10 Fun & Easy Music Activities for Childhood Development

Music Activities

Music activities are a wonderful way to spend time with your child. On top of having fun expressing yourselves, there are so many benefits of music making. Singing songs can help with a child’s language development, dance can help develop their gross motor skills, and playing musical instruments can help develop fine motor skills. Here […]

Halloween Songs For Kids | 10 Spooky (But Not Too Spooky!) Halloween Songs For Preschoolers

Halloween Songs for Kids

Halloween is a fun and exciting holiday for children of all ages, and what better way to get into the Halloween spirit than by singing and dancing along to some spooky and playful tunes? In this post, we’ve compiled a list of the best Halloween songs for kids, so whether you’re planning a costume party […]

Christmas Songs for Kids | Sing Along with These 20 Preschool Christmas Songs

Christmas Songs for Kids

The holiday season is a time for celebration, and what better way to get in the festive spirit than by singing and dancing along to some classic Christmas songs? Kids love to sing and move along to music; Christmas songs and nursery rhymes are the perfect way to get them in the holiday mood. From […]

Why You Should Try Music If You Want To Tap Into Your Forgotten Memories

illustration of an idea

Have you ever been in a situation in which you are listening to music with a friend and he starts telling you a story from his past that you have never heard before? If you really pay attention, you’ll notice the sense of nostalgia as he tells you the story. At that moment, you may […]

In The World Of One Who Is Musically Tone-Deaf

tech image of music

Have you ever heard or seen someone who just can’t sing right because they are tone-deaf? They really enjoy listening to music but they cannot sing along. When they do, it sounds like a whole lot of confusion and you wish they would just stop. They might even actually be the first to buy tickets […]

Free Advice For Great Singing – Separating Myth From Truth

man singing on stage

Singing is a great way to express emotions and worldviews. It is also an avenue to communicate what is in your heart and mind. If you want to be a singer, you better plan to be a good one. Otherwise, if you only want to communicate your thoughts, then being an orator would be more […]

How To Start Developing Your Singing Skills- Advice From The Pros

vocal choir singing

People that can sing well are typically envied, and understandably so because singing is such a beautiful art. Singers can express themselves anywhere because they have their instrument (their voice) with them wherever they go. That’s where singing beats all other instruments. You can use your singing skills in the shower, in the kitchen, as you […]

How To Transform Yourself Into A Dynamic And Unique Singer

Singing Address By Scene Girl Concert Microphone

As in any career, the pressure to stand out and be recognized among the stars is common among singers. However, this does not mean you should allow yourself to get worked up about it. The key to success is the pursuit of excellence, and this is especially true for any singer. The Ground Rules There […]

Compare The Different Ways To Take Your Singing Classes

Singing Address By Scene Girl Concert Microphone

In the past, most professional music and singing lessons were done formally. Formal meaning they had to be from a recognized music school and the participants were given certificates at the end of the training. That was then. Currently, there are so many ways to explore your singing skills. This post looks at some of […]