
Are the best drummers in the world always the most noticeable ones? Often times, the best drummers are not always memorable. In most forms of music, the percussion is not the center of attention. This goes for most instruments in a band too. When you’re doing your job right, no one notices.


Each instrument plays a role creating the overall sound of a song. Think of each instrument as a flavour in a well balanced main course meal. The drums are spicy, bass is sour, rhythm guitar is salty, and the singer is sweet. The key to that perfect meal is to have all flavours balanced perfectly. If the chef adds too much spice, it will overpower the other flavours and ruin the dish. It doesn’t matter if this is the most sought after spiciest hot pepper in the world… if not used properly, it can overpower the other flavours and take away from the end result of a delicious meal.

In music, this often takes many years to fully internalize and comprehend. It takes a certain level of maturity to understand when to be flashy, and when to sit back and lock it down with simplicity.

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The best drummers in the world will often times play drum beats that someone taking lessons for only a year could play. The do this because it is what the song needs! The best drummers leave space for more flavours and textures to take place. Playing complicated fills and busy drum beats will often crowd the musical landscape and smother anything else trying to make it to the audience’s ears.

It takes a level of maturity, and a high level of awareness to be a good drummer. Bad drummers are flashy and reckless. You can be technically proficient, your ultra complicated chops are not going to be what gets you the call back for the next gig. Knowing when to lay back and let other instruments fill the space is what makes drummers great.



Poor church singer overpowered by hilariously bad drummer (Those arent supposed to be solos!) | 22 Words

It doesn’t even seem real. In case you’re wondering, the song doesn’t call for any drum solos.

Poor church singer overpowered by hilariously bad drummer (Those arent supposed to be solos!) | 22 Words

The Neuroscience of Drumming: Researchers Discover the Secrets of Drumming & The Human Brain | Open Culture old musicians joke goes there are three kinds of drummers in the worldthose who can count and those who cant. But perhaps there is an even more global divide. Perhaps there are three kinds of people in the worldthose who can drum and those who cant. Perhaps, as the promotional video above from GE suggests, drummers have fundamentally different brains than the rest of us. Via
