15 Famous Piano Players that Will Instantly Inspire You

Famous Piano Players

Even seasoned musicians need a little inspiration every now and then. Discover some of the most famous piano players of all time and learn from their style. Although there are more than 7500 working parts in a piano, there are some people who can bring it all together and make it sound like one, glorious whole. […]

Explore Different Ways Of Expanding Your Creativity While Learning Piano

fingers playing the piano

Learning piano is popular all over the world. The ability to play piano is considered one of the top enviable skills in the world of music. There have been occasions when a famous musician at a concert asked for someone who could play the piano from the crowd and that became the turning point for […]

Top 10 Tips And Tricks For Piano Beginners

mickey mouse on a piano

The piano is neither an easy instrument nor a difficult one; you just need to be familiar with the chords and basic playing technicalities. With consistent practice, patience, and support from peers and mentors, one can easily learn how to play the piano. Discussed below are the top 10 tips and tricks for piano beginners: […]
