Roland FP-30X vs Roland FP-10 Digital Piano Comparison

Roland FP-30 vs Roland FP-10

Today we’ll be comparing the specs and performance of two entry-level models of the Roland FP lineup as we see how the Roland FP-30X and Roland FP-10 compare. We’ll cover all of the critical differences between these two pianos that really do much of the heavy lifting for Roland’s digital piano lineup considering how affordable […]

New Roland FP-X Series Digital Pianos | Roland FP-30X, FP-60X, FP-90X, F701, & RP701

Roland FP-X Series

2021 has been a big year for Roland with 5, count em’ 5, new Roland digital pianos hitting the market, each one an update to a popular previous model. In this article, we’ll take a quick glance at each of the 5 models and briefly cover exactly what was approved with each model. Roland FP-X […]

Roland FP Series Digital Pianos Overview – Roland FP-10, FP-30, FP-60, & FP-90

Roland FP-90 vs Yamaha P515

Roland FP Series Overview Video Transcription Hi everybody, my name is Stu Harrison of Merriam Pianos. Today we’re are going to do an overview of the Roland FP Series of 88-key digital pianos. We’re gonna be looking at every single model of the series, the FP-10, 30, 60, and 90,  outlining the critical differences between […]

Roland DP603 Digital Piano Review & Demo – Bluetooth, PHA-50, SuperNATURAL Piano

Roland DP603 Digital Piano Polished Ebony

Introduction The Roland DP603 digital piano is an unassuming powerhouse, built for the discerning player in need of a compact instrument with a contemporary design. This instrument is in a category unto itself within the Roland line.  It uses one of their top actions, the top sound processor, and the top speaker quality available from […]
