10 Easy Ukulele Songs for Beginners | Chords & Video Included

10 Easy Ukulele Songs for Beginners

The ukulele seems to have made a huge comeback in the music world. More pop artists are using one than ever. Youtube is filled with covers of easy ukulele songs that are absolutely perfect for beginners. When you get this awesome instrument and want to learn how to play it can seem intimidating. It’s not as […]

15 Fun & Easy Ukulele Songs for Beginners with Simple Chords & Ukulele Tabs

7 Easy Ukulele Songs

Updated on May 8, 2020 The ukulele has become a hugely popular instrument in recent years. In 2013, sales of ukuleles jumped by over 50% having already hit over a million units sold in 2012. The reason that the ukulele is so popular is that it is one of the easiest instruments to learn how to […]