Top 12 Most Expensive Pianos | World’s Most Expensive Pianos

Most Expensive Pianos

If you’re even a moderate internet user, odds are over the last four or five years you’ve probably come across an article or video covering some of the world’s most expensive instruments. Pianos happen to stand out in this regard due to their size, cost to manufacture, and cultural significance throughout much of the world. […]

Piano Moving Fail | Estonia Grand Piano Destroyed | 7 Steps When Moving a Piano

Piano Moving

Piano Moving is supposed to be a boring, predictable, and relatively mundane part of the piano purchasing process, even an afterthought. And in many instances, this is the case. However, if many other instances, if the right questions aren’t asked and the piano movers properly prepped as to the type of space they’re moving the […]

Seiler ED-126 | Upright Piano Review | 49 Inch Yamaha U1 & Kawai K-300 Alternative

Seiler ED-126

If you live in North America and you’re looking into a new, good-quality upright piano for the home, it’s virtually guaranteed that the first two brands and models you’ll come across are the Yamaha U1 and Kawai K-300. And for many people, they look no further since these two pianos check enough boxes to make […]

Kawai K200 | Upright Piano Review | Kawai K Series

Kawai K200

Kawai is one of the most dominant players in the acoustic piano world due to their incredible combination of build quality, musical potential, innovation and price. Kawai’s most popular upright line is by far the K Series Professional Upright Piano series, which is known for its advanced design and material selection throughout the line. The […]

Steinway K-52 | Steinway & Sons | Traditional Upright Piano Review

Steinway K-52

When it comes to the piano industry as a whole, likely no other brand is as well known as Steinway & Sons, with their Hamburg and New York grands being the most commonly selected instruments for concert-level pianists. Their upright pianos for whatever reason have generally not garnered the same level of recognition and sales […]

Upright Pianos – Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Upright Pianos

Upright Pianos

In today’s we are talking about Upright Pianos – literally everything you need to know about Upright Piano. If you’re in the market for an upright piano, this is the article for you. We’re not going to tell you what piano to buy or how much money to spend, but we are going to cover […]

Where to Find the Kawai Serial Number & Where are Kawai Pianos Made?

kawai serial number

One of the questions we get on pretty much a daily basis from customers all over the world is where to find the Kawai serial number on their piano, and more specifically, where does Kawai put them on their acoustic pianos. This is of course very important information if you’re looking at a second-hand piano, […]

Kawai K-300 AURES 2 | Hybrid Piano Review | Play Silently with Headphones Anytime

Kawai K-300 AURES 2

Even before the onset of the 2020 and 2021 global lockdowns that saw much of the world spending much more time at home than usual, hybrid pianos, i.e. fully acoustic pianos augmented with digital piano features, were becoming increasingly advanced and increasingly popular. With the onset of the events of 2020 and 2021, demand for […]

C Bechstein Concert 8 | Upright Piano Review

C Bechstein Concert 8

C Bechstein has been making high-end upright pianos longer than almost anyone else in the industry. Given their pedigree, it’s not a huge surprise that today they’re known for producing some of the finest hand-made upright pianos money can buy. In this article and companion video, we’ll be taking an in-depth look at their ultra […]

Upright vs Grand Pianos | Which is Better for You? | Common Misconceptions & Myths

Upright vs Grand Pianos

As one of North America’s largest piano retailers, we’re blessed to get to interact with piano shoppers looking for upright, grand and digital pianos face-to-face, every single day. As a result, we’ve been able to observe many of the common misconceptions a lot of people have with regard to upright vs grand pianos – specifically, […]
