A Violin’s Sound May Be The Result Of Its Varnish


Varnish will typically be applied to most wooden items as a protective finishing. In fact, varnish has also been applied to works of art, such as the Mona Lisa, to preserve them. Another interesting application is when varnish is used by violin makers. They usually apply a thick coat of varnish as a means of […]

Are Your Progression Expectations Realistic For An Adult Amateur Violinist?

violin hand

A major challenge for late starters in violin is their progression. They wonder whether they can reach a professional level of playing, and often get frustrated at their slow progress. Many end up quitting because the experience does not match their expectations. So what would an expert say to an adult violin learner that feels […]

Brain-Damaged Violinist Composes Music Thanks To Mind-Reading Technology

There’s nothing as devastating to a musician as being robbed of the ability to make music, but that is exactly what happened to Rosemary Johnson, 27 years ago. The 23-year old talented violinist was a member of the Welsh National Opera Orchestra and had a bright future as a world class musician when a devastating […]
