Music is an incredible resource for children, both as a recreational and as an education tool. To experience the benefits of music education for kids, enjoy these ten most amazing reads that are sure to make you feel good about a musical education.
PBS Parents’ the Benefits of Music Education:
This article gives parents an introduction into the different aspects of musical education, including the use of it as a skill set expansion tool. It then goes on to forge links between music and language development, increased IQ, spatial temporal skills, and improvements in terms of test performances as well.
VH1 Save the Music Foundation’s Benefits to the Brain of a Musical Education:
This article takes an engaging and sequential outlook into the importance of music to brain development. It provides highlights on how student engagement and graduation rates, cognitive skill development, enhanced learning abilities, self-esteem and group cooperation as well as critical thinking are enhanced through the practice and study of music. It even has an info-graphic on the benefits to the brain.
Spread Music Now’s Importance of Musical Education:
Check out this SpreadMusicNow piece; it narrates the correlation between music and academic achievement. Backed up with statistical research and data from standardized test scores (such as a 63/44 point increase in scores in musical vs. non-musical children), it makes a solid case for investing in musical education for children. The data-backed research on math skills, reasoning skills, reading and language skills and practical benefits gives a thorough overview besides being a compelling read.
The Royal Conservatory’s Benefits of Music Education:
Available as a PDF from the Royal Conservatory, this text provides a significant overview on musical education as correlated with neuroscience research. The content is split over six levels with an introduction, scientific proofs, overview, a detailed conversation with a specialist, Dr. Sylvan Morend, and relevant reading on the subject.
WinMentalHealth’s Music Pschology and Mental Health:
This article provides a glimpse into the world of music psychology and the way it influences mental health. This is particularly relevant especially considering the number of children, teens and adults diagnosed with bipolar disorders, ADHD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. The article talks of applications of music psychology, its effects on moods and mental disorders, and sociological aspects of the same.
Culture Case’s Singing can Help the Immune System and Improve Moods:
Check out this insightful article, based on a research conducted by the University of Oldenbug, Germany, which shows the impact of different brain chemicals (immunoglobulin, cortisol) as well as emotional states of people after participation in a shared exercise like choir practice. The article itself gives a short and succinct description of the experiment and its results, showing how singing can help not only with emotional states but also the body’s defenses against viral or bacterial infections in the upper respiratory tracts.
Higher Education music Student’s Perceptions of the Benefits of Participative Music Making:
A revered journal article, this one was published by Routledge and provides a scholarly take on the importance of participation. Active engagement in creating music is shown here to create a profound impact on the seventy eight music students participating in the experiment. The study showed that music led to collaborations, enhanced social skills, strong self-esteem, satisfaction, and improvement in a sense of self identity as well.
Discovery News Article on Why Music Makes You Happy:
Filed away under the Psychology section of Discovery News, this article takes a comprehensive look into the dynamics of music and its effects on people. In a society that is increasingly more stressed and anxious, the ability to become happy is a rare and treasured resource. This article takes a look at what exactly about music appeals to people and makes them happy.
National Association for Music Education’s Article on 20 Important Benefits of Music in Our Schools:
This work explores the various benefits from incorporating a musical education within the school experience. While it gives a point-by-point summary that may seem generalized, it gives a good overview of what kind of benefits you can expect for your child if they are interested in enrolling for a music education program.
The Patterns of Music: Young Children Learning Mathematics through Beat, Rhythm, and Melody:
Here’s an article that explores with some detail how music research and therapy portrays the relation between music and mathematics. Beat, rhythm, melody, and tempo are imbued with mathematical properties like ideas of spacial configurations, patterns, correspondence, and sequence: something that can enhance your child’s relationship with math. There are real life experiences included for better understanding too.
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I’m celebrating Music In Our Schools Month with @VH1SaveTheMusic because music education is important. Join me #MIOSM
— Nick Jonas (@nickjonas) March 1, 2016
@JLloydWebber ‘Children deserve right to music education…music is worth making noise about…we need to keep fighting’ #MusicEdExpo
— Music Teacher (@MusicTeacherMag) February 25, 2016
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1. Stress Reliever
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