7 Simple and Effective Tricks to Help You Sing High Notes Better

Billie Holiday singing

If you’re struggling with high notes, let us assure you that even the best singers have been where you are someday. The only thing you need is time, practice and patience, so follow these tips and you’ll be singing like Adele or Freddie Mercury in no time at all. Obviously, for stepping out of the […]

How to Train Your Ear for Years of Success with Music and Singing

ear girl

Some people believe that without music, life would be incomplete. But for some others, life would just be pointless. The passion for music is the foremost requirement for a successful music career, but there are some things that can make it even more fruitful. Training your ear to listen for the right notes and tunes […]

7 Music Careers You May Not Have Thought About

career woman

“You don’t have to be a singer to have a classical music career” That’s what classical music professionals have to say to music students. Although performance and education are the most obvious routes in the classical music industry, there are many more careers one can pursue. We look at 7 different careers that have been […]

Children Who Learn Music are All Set for Great Futures – Says Science

kids playing cello

What is common between Einstein, Lazlo, and Feynman besides the fact that they are the finest minds of the 20th century who have contributed to the advancement of theoretical science? All of them shared a great love for music! While Einstein was a wonderful violin player, Feynman liked to spend his free time playing the […]

What Does Is It Really Mean To Be A Self-Taught Musician?

guitar player

Being a self-taught musician gives you serious bragging rights – that is not in question. However, there are a lot of misconceptions associated with being self-taught, because when most people hear that an instrumentalist is self-taught, they automatically assume the person took up an instrument and figured out how to play with no help from […]

Keeping on TRAK©: A Breakthrough System That Can Help Your Child Love Music for Life

keep on track

  If you’re a parent hoping that your child might have that latent Mozart or Elton John gene dying to be unleashed, you’ve probably experienced the misery of trying to keep them committed to music lessons; at least long enough before their interest wanes and the music stays trapped inside forever. The truth is that […]

10 Phenomenal Reasons for Parents to Enroll Kids for Music Lessons

piano fingers

They say that music is food for the soul, but what they don’t tell you is that music has a number of intrinsic benefits when taught to young people. Musicians and music fans have always advocated the need for music and instruments training. And, a number of recent studies have revealed that music can actually […]

4 Vital Lessons All Vocalists Should Learn From Instrumentalists

singers perform

Vocalists are often at the receiving end of negative stereotypes about their abilities, particularly when they are in competition with instrumentalists. However, vocalists are just as musical as their instrumentalist counterparts, and their skills are just as difficult to develop. The major difference between the two groups of musicians is in their approach to music. […]

Music Lessons – How Much Talent Do You Need To Learn Music?


How much talent do you need to learn music? It’s a question that I have been asked hundreds of times. The idea that one needs to possess a high level of talent can have a huge impact on whether or not that person chooses to study music. This thought also influences the decision on whether […]

Music Lessons – Scientists understand why your parents were right all along

hands of child playing piano

The next time your kid becomes agitated or throws a tantrum because they want to play their favorite video game instead of participating in that family outing, try sending them to piano lessons instead of their room. Scientists have now found a direct correlation between studying music and the emotional and behavioral maturation in children. […]
