The Smart Parent’s Guide To Rekindling Motivation For Music Lessons In Children

mother teaching child by imitation

Childhood is one most remarkable phases of your kid’s life. This is the time when they start having a rush of emotions and don’t understand how to handle or identify them. However, as parents, it is your responsibility to help your kids and motivate them to try some something new. Music is one such new […]

Cheers To The Music Teachers That Make Music Education A Reality Today

students having a music lesson

It is undeniable that there is growing awareness of the importance of music education in schools and the positive impact it has on the lives of students. But even with this honorable efforts, music education today would not exist without the tireless efforts of music teachers. Teachers are generally not held with the esteem given […]

8 Methods To Improve Your Singing Skills Beginning This Moment

singing silhouette

Are you somebody who hums along to the tunes of your favorite melody when you think no one’s watching or sing out loud while in the shower? And, do you get all sweaty and fidgety when asked to sing in front of a group of people? If yes, then this is the guide the world […]

Strategies For Parental Involvement In Children’s Music Education

girl piano

Parental involvement, invariably, means a positive effect on a child’s long-term music education. The very fact that the parents are watching and supporting their child encourages him/her in going far in their thirst for learning quality music through instruments. Several types of research have been conducted to verify this and several kinds of research are […]

4 Ways Parents Can Help Their Kids Stick With Musical Instruments After Graduating To Middle School

middle school band

A major challenge that needs to be addressed as far as music education goes is that of continuity, particularly during school transitions. As kids graduate from elementary school to middle school or middle school to high school, parents and students alike are forced to make and adapt to drastic changes. The transition process is enough […]

A Metronome Could Take Your Piano Playing To The Next Level – Here’s How


A metronome is a device that produces a specific number of beats per minute (BPM), which help a person playing the piano keep themselves up with the rhythm. It can prove to be that little genius responsible for keeping pianists in tempo while they are playing. It’s not uncommon for amateur piano players to wander […]

Music Education Can Transform The Life Of Your Child

small boys line up

Countless studies have proven that music enables children for a better life while they are growing up. Psychologists, as well as scientists, have confirmed that music education offered to a kid in early childhood will help their brains develop uniquely. Read on to know more about how music education can alter a child’s life and […]

How To Stop Teenagers From Quitting Music Lessons

A common phenomenon among young music students occurs when they enter their teenage years – they suddenly lose interest in their music lessons and instruments. Surprisingly, however, is that it’s during these years that their overall interest in music increases significantly. Why the paradox? One major reason is that the music they are learning is […]

Music Lessons – Lack of Motivation in Your Child’s Music Education Is Your Worst Enemy. 5 Ways To Defeat It

home piano practice

Most kids quit music lessons. It’s a fact, and parents don’t just fear it, they expect it. And they should – children, when presented with a long-term challenge with mixed results and few immediate rewards, will beg to quit. It’s just not fun. And what parent wants to spend years and years dragging their kids […]

Music As A Vehicle Of Academic Brilliance – Stats That Will Amaze Anybody

boy reading

Music has the power to unleash the true power and potential of the mind. Numerous studies conducted on students all over the world have established the synergistic effects of music and education in the long run. Most recent studies show that music can change the neuron maps inside the brain for the better. Music stimulates […]
